
A series of secret parties that could only be found by calling a party hotline.



I found that many club promotors were relying heavily on Facebook event pages to promote their nights. I wanted to host my own parties with friends but felt Facebook was oversaturated with competition. I wanted to find new ways to stand out from what everyone else was doing.


Instead of looking forwards, I looked back into the UK rave scene and reminisced back to when all you had was a party hotline and your intuition to find the event. I adopted this concept, bought a cheap phone, left a voicemail and placed posters and flyers around the city with just the phone number and a few details on.


Not only did we make it harder for people to find the party but also hosted it in a remote location which was harder to travel to. We had no idea of how many guests would arrive and to our surprise, we packed out the venue and our debut night was a huge success. The success of the night attracted the attention of a local brewery who wanted to connect with our audience. We achieved this on our second event by capturing natural product placement of their drinks through 35mm photography.

Photography by Joshua Parrott

Co-Host / Curator: Ollie Mawbs


launch a clothing brand